We support organizations in their transformation and their journey towards agility through a People-Led Strategy.

Our model encompasses the 6 pillars of the business operating model. In Strategy, it emphasizes adaptability and a quick response to changes, aligning strategic planning with agile operational execution. When it comes to Structure, it encourages the formation of multifunctional and flexible teams by eliminating rigid hierarchies. In Ways of Working, it prioritizes methodology, focusing on incremental value delivery and continuous feedback. People Processes are reconfigured to foster talent agility and performance development. Technology is influenced by solutions that facilitate collaboration and rapid delivery. Lastly, and most importantly, in the aspect of People, we seek a cultural shift towards collaboration, continuous learning, autonomy, and experimentation.


Agile people-led business transformation


Create Strategic Alignment and Emotional Connection

During times of uncertainty and within an ever-changing work environment, the way companies communicate the vision, strategic priorities, and business outcomes to be achieved is critical. It becomes imperative to have a clear sense of direction that guides their day-to-day work and ensures operational execution is aligned to the strategy. Moving from annual to quarterly strategic and operational planning, creating a creating a dynamic prioritisation framework is the baseline to be fully agile.

Based on our experience, strategic and operational alignment is critical to be faster, simpler and closer to the consumer, but not enough. In today’s world, organisations who want to become agile need to be closer to people too. People are looking for more than just having clear and ambitious goals, people want meaning and purpose. Having a strong company purpose helps people connect to their work. It is the emotional connection, which makes companies thrive and differentiates future-fit companies from the rest giving them a real competitive advantage.



Define a clear, shared and compelling purpose -a North Star- for the organisation and support people to discover their purpose and how it can align to the company.


Design a strategic and operating model based on a single development agenda, agile principles and methodology.


Define and execute the business strategy with a dynamic operating framework based on quarterly business reviews and clear OKRs for all.


Building Lean, Simple, Flexible and Dynamic Structures

Truly agile organisations are those that preserve the capabilities that make them strong, sustainable, and structured, but at the same time can also develop those that will make them faster, simpler, and closer to the consumer. Companies can become agile by designing a model that combines stability and agility and by embedding ‘pockets of agility’ where these can bring the biggest value to the business. After that, developing a scaling-up model will enable the organisation to reach business agility at scale.



Design an agile & fluid structure aligned to customer value, eliminate layers and develop a scaling model for seamless coordination across functions and hundreds of agile teams.


Build the foundational framework to launch the first agile teams and be able to scale multiple 'pockets of agility', creating a truly agile enterprise.

Ways of working

Embedding Agile Ways of Working into the Business

Being agile is not something the teams do; it is something they are. It is all about people, their leadership, skills, behaviours, and mindsets. Agile teams share a common purpose, but there is no ‘one size fits all’ agile method. Some organisations implement Design Thinking, Scrum, others Kanban, others Scrumban and so on. Successful agile teams are those that can incorporate the best out of different agile methods to make work faster, simpler, with greater value and more customer focused, with the right skills and mindsets.



Instil Agile capabilities and expertise across your teams and the organisation through unmatched training and coaching.


Re-configure people processes and re- design working spaces to support an agile organisation and new ways of working.


Develop a People Performance Development Ecosystem

Leaders and organisations must address the many nuances associated with digital and agile transformations and their impact on people. People processes need to be reimagined: from annual to quarterly goals, from twice-a- year feedback to in-time and multi-sourced; from vertical career progression to multiple experiences and paths. Organisations cannot design people processes in silos anymore, but rather create a value-enhancing and skill-based agile people ecosystem that can unlock organisations’ trapped capacity and unleash people’s potential.



Develop the organisation’s capability to change its talent composition quickly and cost-effectively maximising its productivity and performance. Manage and move people flexibly and continuously between areas, functions, projects and roles.


Create an agile people ecosystem that links together five core people processes: performance management, people's development, career progression, talent management and pay for value.


Embed skills at the heart of the strategic resource planning and performance development ecosystem.


Build the Technological Infrastructure
to Bring the Model to Life

The future of work is revolutionising the HR software industry. Every company needs a core system of records that store employee information. But today, organisations are looking for more flexible solutions when it comes to team’s performance management, development, career progression and talent management. Core systems need to be complemented with others to support business transformations. These other pieces of hr technology are moving from “good to have” to “essential to survival.” Agile performance management systems, open talent marketplace software or pay for skills systems are becoming the “swiss army knife” for companies to address their current needs and build their agile people ecosystems… But what if you could find an all-in-one agile solution?



Discover the first-ever Agile HR Platform, used by the world’s leading companies and build the technological infrastructure that can support the new operating model.


Support the Transformation Through a
Change and Capability Building

A change and capability building strategy is an essential element of an agile transformation. However it is not a traditional linear approach; but rather an iterative and incremental one with an emphasis on enabling transformation through pilots, early adopters and micro-environments. It is about helping to remove impediments ‘in-time’ and catalysing culture change ‘on the go’. The importance of investing in culture and change on the journey to agility cannot be overstated. Agile is, above all, mindset and skills. When leaders and teams have the will and skill, then a clear vision alone is often enough for a successful agile operating model to emerge.

Recent research confirms that the quality of leadership and how leadership shapes culture are the biggest barriers to—and the biggest enablers of—successful business transformations.



Develop well-designed capability building programs to up-skill, re-skill and prepare leaders, teams and individuals for the future.


Design an EX model that is personalised and supported by digital experiences, that enables agility and attracts, inspire, and keeps talent motivated.


Build an implement an iterative and incremental agile change management strategy to support the transformation journey all the way.

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