To thrive in this ever-complex environment, leaders need to be strong in mind, heart and body. Future-fit leaders are deeply connected to a meaningful and ongoing purpose. They are extremely clear on who they are, what they stand for and what mark they want to make on the world. They work hard to improve every day and push them selves to go ‘the extra mile’. In this inspirational interview, Dorn Wenninger tells us how he pushed himself even further… ‘183.531’ miles, to be accurate. Dorn is one of only 200 people in the world who have run 7 marathons, in 7 consecutive days, in 7 different continents. He is a top-executive of multinational company, former SVP at Walmart, father of two beautiful girls, and an amazing human being who helps communities in needs Mexico. In this interview he shares with Erika Giorgana, CEO & Founder of Humand his perspectives on what it takes to be a Future-fit leader.